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BMSI support Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity with Sportive bike ride!

October 6, 2021

The inaugural Structure Tone Charity Sportive was back with a bang last month, and BMSI were thrilled to come along for the ride.

Organised in partnership with The Lighthouse Club – The Light House Construction Industry Charity, the event was able to raise money for the only Construction-focused charity that provides emotional, physical, and financial wellbeing to support constriction workers and their families across the UK and Ireland.

Lasting 70 miles through the Chilterns, riders were surrounded by beautiful countryside that no doubt helped to inspire those feet to keep on peddling as the miles climbed on. BMSI would like to say a huge well done to all who took part, with race participant and BMSI Sales Manager, Tim Peperell commenting:

“It was great to catch up with friends in the industry from Dornan, ESG and Straightline Consulting and all come together for such an important cause. Starting the race from the Wormsley estate cricket ground provided a memorable backdrop, plus a great place to replenish those end-of-race burned calories with a pizza and beer. Many thanks to all the sponsors, especially Richard Irwin of Structure Tone, plus ESG for providing first-class group-ride camaraderie. Straightline Consulting also delivered a much-needed musette and brew dog beverage at the end of the race that went down a treat!”

For more information on the race, or to donate to the great work done by The Lighthouse Club, you can visit the event page here.