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BMSI Cuts Costs and Energy Usage at Iconic London Skyscraper, The Scalpel

May 31, 2023

BMSI, the UK’s leading systems integrator of BeMS continues to deliver impressive energy-saving results at 52 Lime Street amid ongoing work at the development.

London's iconic skyline is home to many breathtaking skyscrapers, but one that stands out today is The Scalpel. This luxury commercial building, located in the heart of the city, was designed with a distinctive angular shape and became the first of its kind to be certified 'Excellent' under the 2014 BREEM standard.

Currently, BMSI is undertaking changes to the Air Handling Units (AHUs) at 52 Lime Street to reduce costs, carbon emissions, and energy usage. After implementing a new BMS software strategy, we were able to achieve significant reductions in energy usage, including a 13.99% reduction over a 90-day month-on-month comparison – plus an extraordinary 25.23% reduction over the following three months.

Take a closer look at the latest results of our most recent 52 Lime St customer case study.BMSI Director, James Smith believes the success at 52 Lime Street is due to the innovative technology BMSI uses to access real-time and historic energy, BeMS and environmental data, commenting “Our ability to provide early identification of energy wastage and real-time hardware inefficiencies sets us apart. It’s why so many of our projects, like the ongoing work at The Scalpel, are born from long-standing, successful partnerships with our customers. They know we can deliver on their objectives – and we do.”

BMSI’s commitment to the Measurement & Visualization (M&V) of our work ensures that our improvements are sustained and proves our ability to achieve a customer’s energy-saving goals.

The Scalpel is just one example of our expertise in delivering bespoke solutions that meet the specific needs of our customer. Contact our sales team today to see how we can help reduce energy costs and improve the efficiency of your building.BMSI is a leading systems integrator of Building Energy Management Systems (BEMS), for more information about the project installations, support services and integrated energy management solutions they provide, visit