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BMSI Help Heathrow to reduce Carbon Footprint

February 5, 2020

Heathrow Airport is a huge consumer of electrical power and as such any initiative that works to reduce electrical energy saves the airport considerable sums of money, and improves their carbon footprint.

One area of focus is the HVAC controls and the Air Handling Units in particular.  Even small adjustments to these systems can significantly improve the working environment and passenger areas.

To contribute to reducing energy usage at Heathrow Airport, BMSI identified where the most energy was being consumed and subsequently the most appropriate units to install for the most efficient upgrade.

The traditional belt-driven fan motors were replaced with innovative energy-efficient EC Fan Motors. Then, using the existing Trend BMS controls, BMSI were able to further reduce the motor speeds and keep the working environment for passenger areas.Benefits have not only been the reduction in noise from the change of fans, but via the high level interfaces we now have a better understanding and control of the systems overall, with each EC fan being monitored via the Modbus interface.  This has been supplemented by other projects, including installing additional sensors to export all the Trend data to a Heathrow GlobalScape SFTP server.

This has enabled the Trend BMS system configuration to be altered to further reduce the energy consumption at Terminal 5 and at the same time keeping the working passenger environments constant.

“BMSi have consistently provided an expert and professional service with regards to our Building Management Systems pan Airport. BMSi are always willing to help, no matter how complex the project is. They also provide a thorough understanding of Heathrow’s unique customer base. Their professionalism runs throughout the company from the Engineers on the shop floor through to their administration team and project managers. BMSI is always going that extra mile to ensure Heathrow have optimised HVAC controls, as demonstrated in the recent EC Fans project that is saving 10 Gwh per year and therefore £1.2 million on this project alone.  I look forward to continuing to work with BMSI.”

Andy Dobbs, Energy Project Manager, Heathrow Airport.BMSI is a leading systems integrator of Building Energy Management Systems (BEMS), for more information about the project installations, support services and integrated energy management solutions they provide, visit the rest of the site here.