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Tim Peperell hits the road for NHS Heroes!

September 9, 2020

BMSI’S Major Projects Sales Manager, Tim Peperell, is getting back in the saddle in aid of our NHS Heroes. Cycling 200 miles in just three days, Tim, alongside friends and colleagues from the Construction Industry will be riding across Cornwall to raise funds for the incredible dedication and hard work of the NHS during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Ready to kick off the ride today, which traverses the entire Cornish peninsula, Tim is thankful to be raising money for such a worthy cause:

"Since March, our entire lives have changed as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Living in lockdown has meant a tremendous change in the way we live and work, causing stress and uncertainty across the board. The work undertaken by our amazing NHS has been truly outstanding. Fighting this crisis from the frontline, NHS workers have continuously put themselves in danger and under great pressure in order to keep us all safe – how can we ever begin to truly repay them? Cycling 200 miles seems like a small task to endure in comparison, and if we can help to raise much-needed  funds to support this essential work, then I am proud and delighted to be a part of it.”

This event has been organised in collaboration with the 11 Foundation which was founded by former Chelsea and England footballer Joe Cole and his wife Carly. Joe, along with a few of his former teammates Wayne Bridge and Steve Sidwell, will be joining Tim and the rest of the cyclists on the ride.

If you’d like to donate to the cause, please follow the Just Giving link below, we’re sure that Tim and the team would be grateful for any donation, large or small.

BMSI is a leading systems integrator of Building Energy Management Systems (BEMS), for more information about the project installations, support services and integrated energy management solutions they provide, visit the rest of the site, here.